creativity update
The Sunday Scribblings have been helpful in getting me to produce something every week. I don't consider myself a writer, but I love to write, and I'm willing to pursue any available avenue to creative expression that even slightly appeals to me at the moment. And goodness gracious - reading the other writers' scribbles is so inspiring! I'm a bit restricted financially just now, so I dare not even look at listings of painting classes and such. I guess Sunday Scribblings is like attending a free writing group, or something. One that tolerates any level of ability, effort and commitment. What a treat!
I used this week's S.S. prompt to take advantage of Kat's Contagious Creativity suggestion (from last week) to give myself permission to create crap. I hope to go with that approach every Sunday if I can, even if I end up doing something I'm proud of sometimes. I don't want to lose the sense of freedom I've been granting myself to just do something, without regard for quality. It's helping. A lot.
Yesterday I thumbed through a book I picked up a few years ago and have ignored since, an encyclopedia of craft projects that can be completed in a day. Most of the patterns and such in the book are really corny, but I think I could make some very cool stuff using the instructions. I've got a few wedding gift situations to deal with this summer and not a lot of disposable cash, so I'm particularly excited to try some things: glass painting, pottery painting, mosaics (good for picture frames or mirrors)... the raw materials are fairly affordable, and I LOVE to make things. In fact, it occured to me that I could customize myself a whole set of dishes this way, if I can find dishwasher- and food-safe paints. We've never bothered to buy a nice set of dishes. I'm not crazy about matching sets of things. But with a cheap set of plain glass or ceramic pieces, I could go nuts making something really special - a set of dishes that match each other in their basic construction but that are also unique and individual, different from each other and from any other set of dishes anywhere. I love folk art and simple designs. So why pay more for somebody else's creations? I seriously can't wait to get started.
So tomorrow, I have an artist date planned. I'm heading over to a Michael's craft store. I'm actually giddy about all this!