the wings of the morning

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Saturday, February 24, 2007


This is hilariously dark, on my monitor anyway, and the fact that G and I are the only ones visible on stage despite our supporting-cast status is also pretty comical (personalized lighting is apparently not prioritized highly when six bands play the same event), but hey, it's something. Here it is: my first rock video!

A big part of this band's deal is old songs done in a rock style. This one's from the perspective of slave who, though he hates to be leaving his girl, manages to sign up for job on a Yankee whaling ship when he learns he's going to be sold.


Blogger Teri said...

ummm...that is too cool for words.

the band sounds amazing...your stunning calm and gracious smiles, G's funky-badass groovin' and T's ghostly voice were some highlights for me.

hilarity: if G had a goatee I would mistake him for Steve. they look so much alike!

2/26/2007 7:39 PM  
Blogger Kara said...

sounding good!

2/28/2007 6:32 AM  
Blogger Jana B said...

Eliza, somehow your blog managed to delete itself from my Bloglines subscriptions!!!! Sorry about that, I wasn't ignoring you or anything lol!!!

In happier news...

YOU WON THE BLOG QUIZ ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!! *applause*

E-mail me to find out what you get as a result, since I've lost your e-mail addy.

LOVE the video!!!!! I am SO BEYOND PROUD of you!!!!!

3/02/2007 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go, Eliza! You're on MySpace?! Friend me! (Do you have a page separately, or should I "add a friend" on the band's page?)

3/10/2007 5:20 PM  

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