the wings of the morning

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

peace de la resistance

Here it is - my new spot across the way. I've kept up my intention to get over there every day this week. I've ended up writing my pages there, actually. I know it's not ideal not to be doing them first thing, or come to think of it even in the morning, but the spot does seem to foster mindfulness.

I'll get my butt over there again today, I suppose, though what I really want to do is watch TV and eat candy. It'll be 60-something degress outside today. It's sunny, too. The smell of spring is beginning to kick in in earnest. I'm dyin'.

About here is usually where I fall apart for awhile. I feel so sensitive and sad. When I let myself pay attention, I realize I'm also joyful and hopeful. And really quite cranky. I space out and pull hair or worse to try to keep the level of emotional stimulation manageable. I just want to escape, to go to sleep until about September.

I have commited myself to weathering the spring and summer more bravely this year, for the sake of my future child. I want some solid practice at getting through emotionally stimulating circumstances and remaining grounded and present. Today that means going outside and facing the ferocious beauty of sixty degrees and sunny. It also means doing my pages, my yoga and my ACIM practice.

My other practice, the AW, is ending. My feelings about that are very mixed. I know I've made some progress over the last few months, but it doesn't look or feel like creative progress, and I'm not sure how much of it is attributable to the AW. I have enjoyed blogging and connecting with all of you, and I hope to keep up both of those things. Artist Dates and Morning Pages are also clearly helpful to me, and I am staying with them. But if this program has helped me, why haven't I, for instance, picked up an instrument for over a week? Why do I let weeks go by between times spent working on my new song(s)?

One possible answer is that I have found the Artist's Way to be very ambition-oriented, and this aspect of the program has not worked well for me. In fact, it has caused some inner conflict. I have played along as best I could to get as much out of this as possible, but now that it's ending I need to come clean, with myself most of all: I could give a rat's ass about making records or even playing out right now. I want to do it sometime because I don't want to not have done it at the end of my days, but when I think about pursuing that sort of thing now, even casually, I just feel tired - and phony. I wish the AW had been more about letting myself learn to play without the taint of all those friggin' timelines. My only real ambitions right now are to have a child and improve my spiritual practice. I can't quite wrap my head around directing energy toward my musical "career" while all I really want to be doing is rocking a baby and making pies. Thinking about the recordings I'd like to make someday has made sitting down at the piano a stressful rather than a relaxing experience lately. So I've barely done it. Is this resistance?

Yes. Yes, it is. It's resistance because playing, writing and generally channeling my creative energy more productively - letting it flow instead of keeping it bottled up - could only help me, at this or at any time in my life. I don't want to be justifying not playing for this or any reason. However. If this does happen to be the reason I don't want to play now, then I need to clear it the hell out. I just plain don't want to connect those activities to a career plan or timeline right now. And I'm nearly positive that the reason musical ambition and plans make me queasy at present is NOT because I'm afraid, self-censoring or otherwise blocked, but simply that I have other priorities, one in particular, with which I will let NOTHING interfere.

The way I figure it, if I can cleanse my mind of all that career plan crap, I might just start to play again for the joy of it. Then I'll be more likely to feel up to offering and accepting invitations to play with others, for fun. If there happen to be other perks - as in, I'm singing for fun but it happens to be in a studio or on a stage (and that has actually happened more often than you'd think) - great. That's cool, too. I just won't be as likely to get mentally derailed and reblocked if I don't think about it all in terms of a career path right now. I've got other stuff going on. I have made a different choice.

I need to peruse "Walking In This World" more carefully before I commit to it, to confirm my impression that it is more oriented toward introspective work than career moves. (If anyone has any knowledge about or experience with the book in this regard, I'd appreciate hearing it.) Making a commitment I won't keep will do me no good. For now, I think I may just improvise for a couple of weeks and see what happens.



Blogger Teri said...

I SO relate to your position on music/general creativity/doing as career vs. fun and the question: is that resistance? is it insulting to the Creator/Creatrix? I don't know if it's my bias, caring for you, or my true, intuitive voice (or both) saying to you (and myself!):

Where you are is PERFECT and right where you are supposed to be. Cease and desist with all thinking and figuring around how to make yourself better or different. Do your practice(s) if it feels good, or if you know it will lead to feeling good and open and peaceful and free. Play music, make love, go outside, call a friend ONLY when you are called to do so by that deep, pleasure-seeking voice that you recognize unmistakeably as belonging to you. (Not the ego you, the spirit you. Hope that makes sense.)


3/29/2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

i think approaching the book in your own way (creatively) is very important. i finished the aw the first time thinking, "now, what did i get out of this exactly?" i'm not sure it hit me til later, the effect that it had. i think it's subtle sometimes, a gentle push. and even for just the mp's and ad's it's worth it. if the ambitious stuff isn't flowing for you, then toss it to the wind. keep doing what resonates. you know what feels good/right/true for you. :-)

3/30/2006 2:25 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

kat, i agree! i definitely think it was all worth it. it just feels good to get clear about a particular aspect that may have (temporarily) hindered more than helping.

3/30/2006 8:46 PM  
Blogger Kara said...

I've been rereading - well reading in more depth Sonia Choquette's book Your Heart's Desire. Just this week I read a section that relates to what you are saying here in your post - here's a quote from the book, "If you are struggling with your Heart's Desire and are certain that it is what you want, be sure that you are not overlooking anything more immediately in need of your focus, attention, and care. It may well be that your intuition is simply directing you to attend to other steps that must be taken first...."
I can tell that playing music is very important to you and that as a career it may be something down the road - but it isn't immediate in the now as a dream. Go for the immediate dreams. It seems like you already know what they are. You don't have to give up the distant dreams - just file them or store the seeds for later.
As for playing music I think I would suggest to you that you do what I did with my daily clay lumps. Take a really small step - for several days it might picking up an instrument - you don't have to play anything. Maybe that would snow ball into playing a couple of cords or a bit of a song. For me with the clay I had to just forget about the career (like you already said) I had to forget about anyone else and I had to just do something really small that once I did it I could stop and say - ah accomplishment! I kept following the pleasure of it without thinking beyond the moment and I made the task really small. As the few minutes each day accumulates over the weeks you may begin to feel completely unblocked.
Sorry this is so long - but I hope it might help.

3/31/2006 7:12 AM  
Blogger Jana B said...

You don't like spring or summer? Well, that just settles it.

I'm obviously the Anti-Eliza! LOL

(I started to call you the anti-Jana, but that would make you the evil one, and if I were the good one I wouldn't be able to laugh maniacly, so...)

Not only are we opposite extreme heights, but I also love the seasons you hate, and hate the seasons you like! LOL

But, as usual, i digress.

If you don't want to make music your career, that's great. Being a musician doesn't mean you have to perform in front of great crowds. You can be a musician simply for your OWN pleasure, or to jam with friends just for fun. Or to teach your child to enjoy music :) You don't HAVE to dream of performing publicly, or even if that IS your dream, you don't have to make it a timeline. If it's meant to be, it'll happen as long as you do your part and practice to be ready :)

(Oh, and you may want to remember these words to say to me later!)

3/31/2006 10:21 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

I know, I know, I know.

Everytime I start something new, and great and creative I start thinking that I have to make money at it and I get stopped. Completely and utterly BLOCKED.

Will you give yourself permission to PLAY with music. No goals, no deadlines, nada. Just play. And wait, not now, not if you don't want to, because play is about fun and if it's not fun, then why? For money? IMO, bad reason.

As for the AW, I take advice from a 12 step program: take what you like and leave the rest.

That is so awesome you've gone to your new place so frequently!

Relax. Be gentle to yourself. Please!

4/01/2006 7:09 PM  

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