the wings of the morning

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Friday, December 29, 2006

holy crappin' crap

I am playing with my favorite band. My favorite. Band. Who cares most of you are not likely to have heard of them? I LOVE these guys! The days when some of their records were released were like holidays to me. I used to go see them play live over and over, and it just never, ever, EVER got old. And this afternoon the dreamy singer was standing in my dressing room playing and singing some of my most favorite songs, and I was playing and singing them, too, and we were playing and singing together, and he liked it, and... and... So what he's been a good friend of mine for years? That makes this that much more sweet and fun, and it takes away none of the thrill whatsoever.

The four of us have played together twice so far, and there are two more full practices planned, but this afternoon was one-on-one with the lead dude, fine-tuning. G finds it very amusing that this was what it took for the excitement to really settle in, but hey, whatever it takes. I am most definitely excited now. Yessiree. I guess it's partly that things are going very well, that it all makes so much sense now that I'm finally here. We're pretty well in agreement musically. And those guys are all very supportive of me and my newbie-ness. They're all also asking and expecting enough so that I feel pleasantly stretched. AHHH.

I had a nice holiday and all that. Through it all I've been busy practicing and listening and working things out. I'm behind on reading other blogs, and I imagine I'll remain slightly out-of-touch for another week or so. (The first show is a week from tonight.) I just thought I'd come check in and jump up and down a little in blogland as well as in my kitchen. Yay, yay, YAAAYYYYY! Jumpity jumpity jump. Oops, I mean, rock horns here. Heh.


Blogger Teri said...

go on, girl! rock on witcha bad self.
wish i could see the show! this is all so cool. gotta love a dream come true!

12/30/2006 1:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you're so excited! Here's to a great start to '07 for you! Happy New Year! xoxo

12/30/2006 12:43 PM  
Blogger Jana B said...

WOW!!!!! So are you gonna have someone record it and put it on YouTube for us to see? *looking hopeful*

Either way... WOW!!!!!!!! I'm beyond excited for you!!!!! Your first show!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

12/30/2006 4:21 PM  
Blogger Nonsequitur said...

Hey lady, was bored and surfing around, following links from others' blogs, and I happened upon you... Nice blog, kewl postings, and I'll be back. Take care and Happy New Year :)

12/31/2006 8:48 PM  

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