the wings of the morning

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

we three kitties

No burning agenda today; just thought I'd post an update. I'm still pretty Christmasy... went to a show last night where some friends and others performed an eclectic seasonal mix which included many of my favorite musical elements: banjo, SH, bluegrass harmonies, old-time music, safartic (Channukah) music, Christmas, and friends. The atmosphere was laid-back--lots of sweet little kids frolicking down front (until they got too distracting and were shuttled off to play outside the auditorium). I got to sing on a couple of SH tunes. Lovely!

I've had big ugly boogers in my lungs making my cough for nearly two weeks now, but I think going out and basking in seasonal joy last might might have been just the thing for it, as this morning I'm much clearer and quieter. Ahhh.

The three-and-a-half-hour nap I took yesterday with all three of my kitties probably didn't hurt, either:


(Thanks to G for taking advantage of the photo-op.)

In other news, (and this may be partly because I haven't been playing my guitars enough, but...) in the last month, I have knitted nineteen scarves and crocheted three potholders!


(The little kid models are in front.) I for one think they're all mighty fine. A few of the scarves have already gone out as birthday gifts, and have been very well received. What fun! And how geeky is that? [Well, this is not the first activity I've fallen in love with that's Geek- and/or Granny-Approved. Geek Power, baby. And come to think of it, in my experience, most grannies know what is up, yo.] I actually only started crocheting in earnest this week, and I feel borderline compulsive about it--I crave it. I want to be doing it all the time; it's so meditative. I guess I'll have to start making blankets after all these Christmas presents are done. Yes, indeedy. Huge, time-consuming afghans. And I can't wait.



Blogger Jana B said...

I LOVE THE SCARVES!!!!! What kind of yarn did you use for those? I need to get to work knitting/crocheting some scarves this week, our kids group is going caroling next Thursday and half of them won't have adequate scarves/hats/mittens.

I can't believe your cats let you knit and lay so comfy on you... ours still acts like a kitten and has to PLAY with the yarn as you crochet/knit lol

GEEKS ROCK!!!!!!! Geek power!!!! LOL I love geeky stuff!

12/14/2006 10:08 AM  
Blogger Jana B said...

I tagged you today on my blog!!!!!!!!

Oh, and did I tell you I love the pic of the kitties happily napping on you as you napped? That was too cute!

12/14/2006 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you HAVE been crafty! (Thanks for sharing some of these at Taylor's fan club.)

12/16/2006 12:09 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

jana, the yarn for most of these is something called "homespun." i use two strands at a time, and size 19 (ginormous) needles. one skein makes a good-sized scarf; two makes a more luxurious model. the one-skein size takes me about three hours to make. i bet you could do it faster!

working on your tag... will post later...

12/16/2006 2:08 PM  

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