bringing the rock

Well, I've got a blister the size of a small polynesian island on my left ring finger. A Rock n' Roll Blister! I'm bursting with pride. Workin' those power chords. And god bless 'em! They're just so easy, and they rock so hard. I am having an ABSOLUTE BLAST. I put off really starting to learn the songs for Friday's jam until Monday--not to mention learning to really play rock guitar (I work best under pressure)--but since then I've spent hours each day with the stereo and my amp cranked up to about a hundred and ten db, playing and singing along, learning my parts, learning to go for feel over perfect exectution, learning not to drop my pick (that's a hard one), and grinning from ear to ear. I saw the guys from the band last night. I proudly displayed my blister. One joked that the thing to do with those was to bite them off and spit them at someone. I said, "I have so much to learn." I just can't wait to play. Yee-haw.
In other news, I learned on Thanksgiving that my brother's wife is pregnant! The first of the next generation in my immediate family. Most exciting. Too bad they live several states away. They've come home often since they moved away, but I guess we'll just have to do more traveling there after the baby arrives this summer. Fingers crossed that they'll take action on the plan they've discussed intermittently of moving back to New England when they have a child. And of course, fingers and toes crossed that we provide a little cousin very soon.
G is settling in to his new situation. His work ethic is such that there is much more danger of his working too much and in an overly structured way than taking unhealthy advantage of the work-from-home scenario and task-oriented, nonhourly salary orientation. But that is not a problem now, so I will let him find his groove however he needs to and leave him alone. I'm just happy that he can barely even hear the rocking going on in the upstairs bedroom as long as I pull a pillow over the vent in the floor.
Well, break's over. Mama's gotta go rock now.

Not to wear out the word: but that ROCKS!! I love this entry. What kind of ax you slingin'?
hi teri. G tells me it's a fender mustang, same as what pj harvey plays. (horns here.) soon, i'll have to do something really advanced, like change a string or learn how to answer questions about my pick-ups. but one thing at a time.
Eliza, when are you gonna record a music video for us??? *grin*
This is all SOOOOOOOOOOOOO amazing!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
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