the wings of the morning

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Lovin' those pages

Man! I look forward to the pages every morning. I don't know that they've facillitated any creative miracles as such just yet, but as a practice they provide palpable comfort. When I feel a twinge of anxiety or other unpleasant emotion during the day, I think of the time when I will write the pages and I wish it was right then. I realize that I could do more journaling if I chose to at those times, but somehow I just don't want to mess with a good thing: I wake up and have my little brain-drain of whatever pointless crap happens to be bothering me, I usually have room after that to noodle about in other sometimes helpful ways, and when I'm done I feel clearer, calmer and happier. Now I'm probably jinxing myself. Well, for now I do them and they help so I love them.

I do think creative energy is percolating. Yesterday while listening to music I colored a mandala by my friend and mentor Clare Goodwin - just coloring! with markers! - and it came out so glorious and intricate and, well, colorful, that I decided I should laminate it and give it to a friend. Clare does posit the idea that there is something about working with mandalas that lends a particularly spiritual aspect of self-expression, even if on another level you're just coloring in a pattern. I did note the sense of freedom in deciding which colors to use where, and I worked around the black lines of the pattern to make it even more my own. Anyhow, it was a lovely, low-pressure and fun excursion into creative pursuits, with nary a whiff of angst.

Hey! There it is - my inner critic! It's saying that coloring can't possibly be creative. Well, I just gave my inner critic an inner rasberry. Oh, dear. I hope that through the AW I'll find more sophisticated weapons to fight the real battles that I know must be coming. And I hope doing the pages helps me find the willingness to use them.

Or maybe heavy mental artillery is just what is not needed. Maybe doing the pages and the other tools will help me really get that instead of further arming and armoring me. Which brings me to the following quote, which I found at the above link to Clare's mandala page:

"Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about yourself, your career, your spouse."~ Dale Dauten ~


Blogger About Clare Goodwin said...

Bliss and blessings,
Very well written.


1/06/2006 7:37 AM  
Blogger Aenigma said...

Coloring is too creative! :) I have the same inner criticism once in awhile. However, when I lived in Austin a good friend and I would meet for coffee in a cafe and color as we talked. People would stop by and comment how fun it looked. And it was!

1/06/2006 10:00 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

coloring is most certainly creative!! and i've heard it can be a very soothing and spiritual practice as well.

i'm so glad you're enjoying the morning pages. i've found them to be wonderfully addictive too. :-)

have you thought of opening up your comments so that people who don't have a blogger acct. can comment? not necessary, just curious.

1/06/2006 1:18 PM  
Blogger Marilyn said...

I LOVE to color...and rarely give myself permission to do've inspired me! Looking forward to reading about your AW journey. (I have a gazillion Blogger blogs, so have no idea which one will show as my link when I hit 'publish' here's my AW blog:

1/07/2006 6:07 AM  
Blogger daru said...

i love coloring! lately, looking through children's books or coloring books have been so inspiring. all the playful images take me back to some carefree times. it's so fun to let your imagination take you places!

1/08/2006 11:01 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Just stopping by to say hi and hope your AW journey is indeed filled with things to fall in love with!

1/08/2006 11:57 PM  

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